the name game
The International Criminal Court's (ICC) chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, has named names of Darfur war crimes and crimes against humanity suspects and according to current reports, is applying for an official start to proceedings. Senior figures allegedly responsible for several "atrocities" in the Western region of Darfur such as Ahmed Muhammed Harun former interior minister and janjaweed militia leader Ali Mohammed Ali Abd-al-Rahman were two of the names mentioned by Moreno-Ocampo in a press conference in the Hague. Moreno-Ocampo requested support for his endeavor to hold people responsible for the crimes committed in the African country.
Though the ICC has battled with criticisms ranging from "lack of due process," "infringement of sovereignty," and "weak checks and balances," one (i.e. me) cannot discount the few monumental successes. Arrest warrants have been issued to war criminals in Uganda and the Congo in previous years, proving that there is a lot the ICC can do. Yet, there's lots of room for improvement.
This Reformer is choosing "hopeful" as her stance regarding the Darfur proceedings. It may not have that hint of Rwandan gacaca or the Nicole Kidman as Silvia Broome touch of "to-forgive-somone-you-must-first-drown-him-then-actually-save-him" ala The Interpreter, but there's nothing like hearing the sound of the gavel and seeing a suspect's face shift from utterly hopeful to "%*&#!!!!!!!!!" in a heartbeat.
And although Uncle Sam claims that the ICC is not his cup of tea, perchance we Americans can settle with letting a smile unconsciously creep onto our lips when the day comes that CNN's 2" byline space (reserved predominantly for those who fall of cruise ships), moving approximately 10mph, spells "THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS - DARFUR WAR CRIMINALS CONVICTED IN ICC COURT RULING FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY" on the bottom of our television sets.