how much is that doggy in the window?
*arf arf*
...the one who can identify the polycarbonate compound in pirated DVDs?
I guess the one with the waggly tail got the short stick this time.
Two "sniffer dogs" named Lucky and Flo made their Manila debut 2 days ago. They managed to raid one of Manila's more popular hotspots for piracy. According to the report, 300,000 discs were found in the first hour of the raid.
The dogs were brought in from Ireland, where they were trained to sit/freeze upon smelling a certain polycarbonate compound found in discs. Among the seized stash were copies of American, Filipino, Japanese and Korean films. Some of these were said to be pornographic.
Who would have thought that besides man's best friend actually saving man, leading man when he is blind, herding man's sheep, finding man's dope, and being furry, that dogs could actually expose man's underground piracy rings and deprive man of his need for cheap porn.
Surprisingly, they are not as scary one would perceive.